Ok so I came across this amazing website called Pura Vida Bracelets I'm sure if you have facebook you have seen the adds because now they are starting to get pretty big. They have a really cool story on how they got started and about what they do. They sell these bracelets they are simple bracelets but they are really awesome you can pick different bracelets to purchase to help a charity. The best part is the bracelets are only 5 dollars! For every bracelet you purchase i believe a dollar goes to that charity the bracelet is named after. All the bracelets on there don't help out Charity's they have really cool designs and other types of bracelets on the website too, but why not get one that helps someone else out. I got the save the dolphin one which is the blue one here and i also got the pink one for a dear friend that just got diagnosed with breast cancer. These bracelets are awesome and its for a great cause so go check them out!! It prefect for ankle braclets and great for any summer outfit accessory! If you make a account with them you also get 10 or 20 percent of so if you only get one bracelet its only 4 bucks and the shipping is free! You honestly need to go get one!!